The Law of Karma

The Law of Karma states that whatever man sends out, he will thus receive back. So, if we look at this law like a boomerang, then whatever thought we are thinking at any given moment surges forth from our Being and circles around the World or Universe and back it comes to hit us squarely between the eyes! With that in mind, does it therefore become much easier to think only positive thoughts instead of the negative ones? It certainly helps to keep reminding ourselves about our thought processes and subsequent behaviours. Bit by bit, we can learn to control our thoughts and rein them in if need be. Instead of throwing out negative thought wave patterns to our fellow neighbours and companions, we can surgically remove them (etherically), reprove them, and dismiss them into the ethers. Then we can replace them with well-formed, highly adaptable behaviours which can help switch the Light on in ourselves to no longer be a burden to society by tossing out our old condemning ways. When we send out Love, Light, and Joy, we sense a more compatible way of living and sharing amongst each other that will escalate into true peace and progression of society, instead of demolition. We do reap what we sow! What will you sow today?