
September 2024 Energy News & Pricing!

Hello Everyone!

Message: Waking Up Time

“If you are only looking at the world events through your two physical eyes, then you might be disturbed at what you are seeing and perhaps misreading.

We are only able to see what is really happening on the planet when we can envision Light through our higher spectrum of our Higher Insight, which is our awakened pineal gland or 6th chakra.

To offset all of our outwardly concerns, we can better ourselves when we determine that Light comes from Within.

All are able to come from Within.

So our message is that you are now able to begin to understand Higher chakra awakenings within your own skin!

It is Time to begin.”


September Pricing is on the website now for you to book your next session in regards to your ongoing healing (reading included) and/or mentoring (Guidance).

Fyi….from Sept. 1 – Nov. 19, 2024 Pluto is back in Capricorn, which will be the final episode of the crumbling of our societal structures and understanding of this reality. After that time period, Pluto will go back into Aquarius which will usher in the beginning of the re-build of our structures on this earth. This is our re-birth!

In the meantime, as structures and old ways of Being fall and disintegrate, we can keep our frequency high and hold the Light for our prosperous new beginning. As we elevate ourselves via our thoughts, we elevate the Collective.

If you are looking for help in understanding your own sub-conscious issues which are holding you back from movement forward, you can book a session via the website.

Love & Light,

