About Cynthia

Welcome! My name is Cynthia and I Am a Multi-Dimensional Quantum Energy Healing Channel located near Sarnia, Ontario, Canada working in the higher existing realms or frequencies as a conduit or “bridge” to facilitate connections for those choosing to live a higher vibrational way of life. Using my intuitive and empathic abilities, holding multi-dimensional clairsentience, clairaudience, and clairvoyance, I am available to work with those who request energy/frequency healing techniques, especially at the etheric level in the energy field surrounding the body, as well as energy readings across time for essential informative guidance. Working together on an ongoing basis aligns our frequency to more stable, productive ways of being.

When our energy flows are not being governed properly, we tend to feel less enthusiastic about life and have a lower limit for infections. Clearing our negativity from our aura re-establishes and re-vitalizes our Being at Essence Core. My work focuses on removing the old energies from within and re-establishing a new route or flow for our Energetic Being to flow or pulse through.

Our energetic systems are currently being changed into a more fluid dynamic system at the cellular-molecular level. This is the level that, together, we will work at during a treatment session as well as at levels beyond. Our old configurations in our energy streams are no longer functioning or coordinating as they used to, and to “bridge” or divide the ways completely, evenly and strongly we must administer thought processes to continually shift our timeline perspective. As we clear our energy in our depleted auras, our time shifts can be more highly generated and we can clear the old toxic emotions and thought platelets from the body. Our old toxic emotions can be purged from the emotional body; old thought patterns can be released through the mental body; and physical healing can then take place, as a result, at the physical level.

We can create a renewed system of health on all levels! This energy work can facilitate our spiritual awakening or augment our developing spirituality.

My Book, The Process of Healing Along the Timeline, explains this system of healing and follows one person’s personal journey, as an example. It changes our perspective on the healing systems of the world and how we view healing each other as well as ourselves.

Monthly Specials! Please click on the Pricing page for details & the “Book Now!” link for booking sessions.

Please visit my Newsletters & my Rumble Channel called “Healingourenergy”

Peace to All.

Healing Our Energy!

P.S.  Awesome pic by Pixabay (Natassa64)