Our Fragile Self-Esteem

When we are feeling low self-esteem and that people do not appreciate us, we can sometimes turn to other people or things to help us feel more loved. We can look to other people to bolster our ego or to things like eating, drinking, drugs, or other addictive behaviours that temporarily sustain us. In the end, however, the only true or real solution that will help us is our connection to our Higher Self. Once we make that connection, we will feel the true Love of Spirit which is what we are really searching for. It never leaves us feeling empty or unsatisfied when all other people or things do. It is the only scratch for our itch! Through meditation and awareness of our Spiritual Journey we can start to make that connection clearer and stronger. Elevation of our mood will follow as a result of the love that we feel inside. It is the only Real Cure and it comes from the Heart!

Axiatonal Alignment Class

If anyone is interested in joining an axiatonal alignment class, please let me know. It only takes one day and the cost is $150.00. Axiatonal alignment opens your meridians, balances the right and left hemispheres of the brain, and then reconnects you to the Universal Grid.

To those practitioners of energy work, it is a wonderful beginning treatment that takes only 10 minutes to perform, but which creates a whole new dimension of experience for the client. The energy is quite different to behold and very good!

Please send an e-mail to contact me if interested.

Meditation Groups

If anyone is interested in joining a meditation group, please let me know. Now that the weather is getting better for driving, I am starting my groups back up again in April 2009. There will be a beginners' group as well as a more advanced group available. The cost is $10.00 (cash) per person. Dates and times can be negotiated! I am flexible! 🙂 I can offer evenings or 1-2 Saturdays a month, whichever we find preferable. Send me an e-mail!

Looking forward to hearing back from you!