Paradigm Of Time

Our paradigm
Is strictly a season on prime
Electrical sign
Of immediate trine
Which is hidden on time
But once we release our prism
Our spine
Will be more electrically primed
To believe our hidden agenda on time.
We are a linkage on the line
Of transcendental time.
Our consciousness is evermore Divine
And our linkage is fine!
Be a prime target on Time!


Is the latitude
Of Light
And all of our energy will be bright
If we can lasso more energy Light.
Be a sequence of good sight
And our energy will vibrate a Higher Light
And all of our inner Essence will reach a greater height;
That is how we stoke the energy Light!

Transmutational Energies

Our energies are cleared
When we are adhered
To the wavelengths of fear,
Irradiated and clear;
We are an apostrophe smeared
By energies of others, dear
And our Essence is to be steered
Away from complicated matter in our hemispheres
Of Light
Which can never be turned on very White
If we are not even in our Light.
Be good to yourselves and sanction the Inner bright
Celestial Light
Of forgiveness, and give a respite
To everyone’s darkness of night
Which only hinders and entrains our cells in spite
Of the glorious Light
Which feeds our darkness of night
Into an energy respite.
It is blossoming overnight.
Give our cells the respite
That we so deliciously like!
We are beaming overnight
And our new energy sight
Will be a blissful delight
Of restoration in flight.
We are coupling our Beginning tonight!

Awake & Aware?

Are you awake and aware
Or are you choosing to be scared?
Are we beginning to bring more fun
Or are we learning that our energy is done?
Which way do we choose?
To learn our lessons or to lose?
By the barometer of today
Many are choosing to run away
But let the lessons mark the way
To pray
A New Way
And inscribe the lessons today.

Enemy Of Truth

Don’t be side-tracked from the truth-
The enemy is only participating in a world-wide goof;
They can never give reproof
When they are the awesome spoof
Of negligent couth.
Never give up the truth!