News Flash Today!

We are going away;
We are going to say
That it has been a legion of learning today
And that we have had our say
About which way
Our lingual will play.
We are totally on our way;
We have absconded with a new day
And our aura will betray
No longer our awkward way.
It has been a heirarchal day
Where we could replay
Our Soul’s searching and say
We are interminably ill and therefore can pay
A subsequent say
That we will always be away.
God bless our hierarchal day!
We are going away!
Be subservient no more to the outward way;
We are re-addressing our grave
Determined age
And be comforted by the Sage.

Control vs Release

When we come from being Guided by the Light
Then everything turns out right;
But when we come from fear and dread
Our oscillation from within our head
Becomes unwed
And we are conscious no longer of what we said.
It is to the Light
That we sequence our Oversight
And if we are wedded to the Light
Then no one can take us anywhere that isn’t right.
So display
The honour of ourselves today
And do not wish our armour away
For we will pay and pay and pay
The astral way
Until our Source codes can bring us back to say
That we are only whispering in the wind
And settling in
To the life that Love brings in.
Say it again…
Our only Love
Is directed from High Above
And our energy can be sequenced in Love
If we proclaim
That everything is the same
In the Light of the Above.
Bring in God’s Love
And no longer fear
The control mechanism in here
But plant the Light
And release the headstrong sight
That we will be dominated by everyone’s might.
We are a vision of Light!
And no control
Can overpower our Soul!
Release your frequency to the Light.