Keep Your Energy Up!

Keep your energy up and the “blues” down!

When our energy is light and bright,
We are all a delight!
But when we are sad,
We turn “blue”
And not the “True Blue”!
We are just a ghost of the Real You!
So keep your Spirits “up”
And your “blues” down,
And turn it all around,
And cry out,
That we have no doubt,
As to what our Life is about!

Live Love and gain your strength from Above!
Note your obstruction and your loss of that Love,
And it will all be overnight given respite.
Have an awesome delight and re-ignite
All your Love Light and Be bright!


To create our life the way that we want it to be, we must hold the thought and feeling of bliss in our hearts. We visualize our dearest hopes and dreams, accompanied by warm feelings of love and gratitude, blossom into reality. Our joy knows no bounds and everything that we have ever wanted becomes ours! The only one who restricts ourselves is us. It can be difficult to free our minds and allow joy and peace to be ever present with us, but practice makes perfect! Keep trying and search our hearts for the reason why we cannot let go and be free from our fears. Then our tears will flee!

New Beginnings

As we reach towards our goals in life, we sometimes reach our highest level of strife and when we have to face facts and let go of something that no longer resonates with us, it is a painful process. Cutting the ties that bind us is painful but necessary for our growth. So as we evaluate these new determinations of what will stay and what will go, being aware of certain restrictions that keep us from being true to ourselves is of paramount proportions. Willingly set aside all that keeps us from our Path and we will be able to watch our phenomenal growth curve! Reach for it!

New Lessons

New lessons are on the horizon for many of us as we weave our way forward inch by inch. We are re-dedicating ourselves, more and more, to exploring new parts and senses of our outer core as well as our inner corer Being. As we process our Being from core to core, we find that we want more-more understanding, more knowledge, more freedom to be what we came here to be, and more independence. So, shuck off the old outer core and go for more inner core work and see what the difference will be! We, ourselves, are the only ones who can see through to our new day and our new way of life and Being, without the strife of our old way and our old Being. Love life, forget the strife, and exert our own level of “right” Being in ourselves.

True Colours

Our true colours show up in our aura. They can change constantly depending on our mood and thoughts or they can stay the same for some time. Colours that are bright and light are indicators of a clear aura and positive thoughts whereas darker and muddier colours indicate negativity. This muddiness and darkness can be cleared out of the aura but requires a shift in our thoughts and emotions and consciousness to keep it clear and bright. The more light that we can hold, the higher the vibration we sustain. And our frequency is of utmost importance, for it translates into our eventual ascension. So, shifting and clearing ourselves is part of our task on our journey of life here on this planet.