Energetic Healing

Energy healing works at many levels of the body. It affects the physical, emotional, mental, and etheric layers or planes of existence or dimensions. When we call upon Spirit to help us in our healing, the energy is amplified and so are the results! We just need to make sure that we are calling upon the Highest Light available for vibrational healing and not beings from the 4th Dimension or Astral Plane. Our connection to Spirit is enhanced and we are affected down to the cellular-molecular level. From my experience, our vibrational rate increases as a result. The emotional body or layer is strongly affected as many a physical problem is rooted in there. The mental body or layer relaxes and releases old thought patterns and beliefs that are no longer good for the person and only holds them in a detrimental wave of Being. But also the etheric body or layer is affected because this is the location of our blueprint, which must be changed if we are to sustain healing for any length of time in this physical realm. The clearing or releasing of toxins whether they be physical, emotional, or mental can be quite profound. Past life karmic debris can be shifted and transmuted as well, which lightens our load. Peace, calm, happiness, and joy are all felt in varying degrees after an energetic treatment session. Then throughout the week, other aspects of the four lower bodies begin to regenerate and heal and realign in the body. What a blessing to release the old and welcome in the new!