The Spirals

As the spirals are We
Just allow it to be;
Whoever can see
Will be
In perfect harmony
Amongst the debris
Of trappings of comfort ability.
We can all be free
If we just choose to be!

Open Your Blockages/Gateways

By opening our blockages or gateways, which are complexities, unfolding in the here and now, of subconscious waves of doubt about what we are here for, we can coordinate our own timing in appropriate manners unlike anything that we have ever done before! Our fear codes can be lifted without any further obstruction device hindering our appearing here on earth. Our own integrated birth along time can be processed along a new timeline code alignment structure. We are birthing the old code and restructuring a new node. This is where we get to enfold a new code of time along our timeline structures. It is the re-birthing of the primal node to code our infrastructure from tuning out of existence.

It is our ascension codes chiming here-
To be clear!
Let’s get out of here!
Out time is drawing near…


When we are filled with greed
It is only our need
That we seek to feed.
Let go
And grow!
And dry your eyes;
Your forever cries
Simulate your ties
To the atmosphere
Which we all need to clear
To get your Essence to birth down here.
So let it be clear;
Your neediness is not wanted here!

Why Can’t We Be Free?

Why cannot we be
A formation of free
Molecular sea
In which our yearnings can be
Whatever we please them to be?
We are an incorrigible sea of astronomy
Which can never be more formidable than me.
So we set the plea
Or decree
That once more we can be
Whatever we determine our Selves to Be!
Motivation can take root and see
Whatever we want to Be.
Be Free!

Control Mechanisms

Why do we feel that we must control other people? Can we not just take control of ourselves first and be satisfied with that?

Think about why we never adjust our Light
When we could be so very, very bright!
Is it perhaps that we entitle our own stipulated fright
To be our own darkness of night?
We must, with our own Insight,
Become our own very Great White Light!
We do not need to cover each other with spite!