Summer Solstice Energy June 21, 2017

It is a timely season to get out of the house and to burst forward from the first days of Spring to earn your energy transference from the Spring Equinox to the Solstice of Summer. It equates to eliminating fear and to absolve guilt and abundantly provide for yourself a magnitude of winning super alliances with the heart.

Once we have cradled a more attuned spiritual reference from whence we came, we can arbitrarily reunite our victimhood to our shame and blame and we can shift that energy out of the left hemisphere of the brain. We can repair any damage done that would be inhibiting all of our fun!

We take turns mutilating spiritual references from the heart until we can no longer suffer any more antiquated out-dated modes of expression from the heart, and turn them into energies which shift and make more sense out of light energy enveloping people here.

We cannot take any more indifference of thought from outside of ourselves but can weave (interconnect) a whole new energetic ray of light cell technology to uplift our new system of being here. We can dramatically cure and enhance life force such as to awaken old memories and sign off old understandings until we can complete the picture of self-reliance into the future. Our whole life cell can be uplifted in the light cell energetic body and life force can be renewed and reawakened.

Enjoy the awakening of your third Insight into the Light!