
Is not a congruency
To the Light;
It is an abysmal oversight.
It is an incongruous aspect of our plight
When we can see the oversight
As right.
Believe the formation of Light;
That is your astral delight
In your oversight
Of congruency of Light.
You are an aspect of your own Light.
Carry it right.

Jealousy Kills Your Sight

When we are not sufficient in our Love
We are no longer connected to our Up Above
And our jealousy of Spirit contrives to shove
Our electrical body from our glove;
We become hidden in our Light
And our energy isn’t quite so bright;
But we can rediscover our Light
If we just reconsider our plight-
We are not a grievance of our Light
We are merely an oversight
Into what is right-
And that is our extensive sight
Can be brought to the Light
If we incorporate our right
To being Insight
Perfect and free in our world!
Be unfurled.

How Do We Know?

How do we know what to do
When we can only see through
To the obvious part of you
Which can be a nightmare, it’s true-
We can only see what we came here to do
Because, in essence, we are an abundance of you
In your hierarchy congrue
And your configuration
Is a mile above transfiguration
And we want to welcome you
In every thing and momentum that you do
For the hierarchy has approved of you!
God bless you-
We are through.