The Feminine Energy

The feminine energy or yin is the balancing force for the masculine or yang energy. There is not one energy that is superior to the other; they are in balance and equal to each other. When one energy gets out of balance or more powerful than the other, then there is imbalance not only in the body but in the world. We cannot live apart nor can we live against it. The taciturn energies flow more evenly if they can adjust themselves to the shifting and complexities of life. And the buoyant energies can lift themselves more perpendicularly if they can adjust and switch themselves off when necessary. Temporary truces are just a minute solution when the whole track needs to be put back. So, simply put, just station yourself and look and you will see how the complexities of birth can be! We are beginning the birthing of the whole club of humanity and our whole concept is to be free and live justly! Go shift and be free with the birthing pangs of a new century!