Mother of Mercy

The Mother of Mercy or Goddess of Mercy, better known as Kuan Yin, represents the qualities of mercy and compassion. She is “the one who regards, looks on, or hears the sounds of the world.” In the book “The Masters and Their Retreats” by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet on page 165, it states that Kuan Yin tells everyone that “mercy is the quality of love that smoothens the rough places of life, that heals the sores of the etheric body, that mends the cleavages of mind and feelings, that clears away the debris of sin and the sense of struggle before these manifest in the physical body as disease, decay, disintegration and death.” “Mercy is the strongest power in the universe” for “it is the power of the will of God…The power of mercy is the intensity of love that will dissolve all fear, all doubt, all recalcitrance and rebellion within the race…When you feel the need of greater strength, of illumination, of greater purity and healing, remember that all of these qualities come to you from the heart of God by the power of the flame of mercy itself.” Tap into her vibration during meditation and sense for yourself her love and guidance to greater healing and joy.

Blessings to all!