So What's Up with Our Weather?

The Elohim work through the Elementals to create and keep our world in form and function, but we wonder sometimes about the caustic weather patterns that appear from time to time. With our massive karmic debt and heavy pollution straining our planet's systems, the Elementals get bogged down in the work of keeping everything running smoothly and cleanly. So, there are times of mass cleansing which translates into earthquakes, flooding, storms, volcanoes, and the like, as toxins are thrown out into the atmosphere for purging. As we do our part to keep our environment clean as well as our bodies, we begin to participate in helping the Elementals to shift the poisons out of our planetary system. Cleaning up our bodies consists of clearing not only the physical body but the emotional, mental, and etheric bodies too. Using alternative cleaning products that have no chemicals in it are an excellent way to help detoxify the atmosphere, in addition to cleansing our auric body through energy work and monitoring how we think and feel as well as what we say. We are responsible for everything in our own life! Be the one to commit to a whole way of Being clean and clear and watch the affect on our atmosphere!