
Our emotions are our barometer of what is happening in our life. Feelings of happiness, joy, excitement, depression, anxiety, anger, or any other emotion, positive or negative, that we are feeling, indicate whether we are following along our correct path or not. When we feel anxiety or any other negative emotion, we need to look at what is causing it to surface. It could be that we are not satisfied with the direction that our life has taken or that we just need to tweak it a bit. That gnawing or nagging feeling that we are not satisfied with our life, but not quite sure why, is the wake-up call that you are not following your purpose here on earth. No amount of distractions can fill your desire for purposeful living when you are neglecting your spiritual path. Once you heed those feelings and get back on track, the anxiety or other negative emotions that keep popping up will dissipate and then your joy and happiness at your re-creation can erupt into blissful anticipation of the future event of your Soul's Ascension. When we heed our emotional state of our Being, then we can honour it properly and the clues that it gives us when something is not “right”. Emotions are very valuable to us, as they are “the canary in the coal mine” which warns us of dangers, so that we can become aware and thus avoid taking the harmful path that could hurt us. Be aware!