Our Little Voice

How many times have we intuitively known what was right to do but we just didn't do it because it wasn't logical? Didn't we pay for it? Oh ya! And then there were those times when we did follow our “little voice” and came out of the situation feeling very grateful and thankful. So, mental note to Self-keep following those “little voice” suggestions and trust in our Higher Self's perceptions and life will flow more evenly and excitedly as we begin to create the new life for ourselves and leave the old life behind. We can allow ourselves to grow and be at peace doing it. Staying in a place of gratefulness helps us to create more effectively while we journey through this life on Earth.
Take care and happy creating!

Happy Full Moon and Eclipse!—Feeling Emotional Yet?

Wow! I sure am-feeling emotional with this full moon, that is! All kinds of emotional “stuff” has been pouring out in the last few days and probably will for a few more! Anybody else?

Just a note-I have completed an energy workshop in Toronto and am back at my residence now and looking forward to trying this “new” technique! Very exciting! It is based in “yin” energy and is quite beautiful as well as powerful. Just like what we aim to be, right? 🙂

Take care, while we are going through our own personal shift. Is your ride getting bumpy? Relax, take a break, and muse on how far you have come!


Special People

There are many special people in our lives and I was wondering if we ever take the time to really appreciate them. I mean really “deep down” appreciate them. For instance do we show our love, patience, kindness, and mercy to those who do not only the “big stuff” for us, like our families but also the “little stuff” like our neighbours and people who keep our world moving along well. Sometimes, we could be more appreciative of the many unsung sacrifices that these people do for us. So, let us take more time to slow down and not let this “illusion” of the world cloak our love for everyone, no matter what happens day-to-day. Let your Light shine and brighten up everyones' day just by your Presence!

Keep Beaming!

As the World Turns-Vibrationally

As each day passes, we are getting nearer and nearer to our goal of Ascension. So how are you dealing with the increase in energies? Are you getting anxious and nervous or are you going with the Flow of Life and learning to bend and not break? Some days are more difficult than others, to be sure! When we feel like we are ready to snap, we must keep reminding ourselves that what we wish to create is the Reality not this present illusion. Ask for guidance and help and it will be there, in some form or another. Pray for each other always!

God Bless!
Keep going!