Are We Playing the Victim?

Other than working to release our fear, another common misqualified energy that we would do well to release is the victimization role that we seem to enjoy playing. I say that we enjoy it because we do it so much! 🙂 Can't we just let it go? Stepping up and taking responsibility for ourselves is a way of releasing that victim in us. It actually feels good to take control over our lives and stop blaming everyone around us when we don't like something that is happening. We draw people to show us what we don't like about ourselves and that is good because then we can work on that particular lesson and let it go, as it just holds us back in our spiritual progression. When we start blaming others and criticizing them for their “faults”, we lose the lesson that we have drawn to us by then spiraling into a downward cycle instead of just letting the negative emotions go. Eventually, we can draw people to us who reflect the “new” us and then we can enjoy a freer and happier and more pleasant life and hold more Light within ourselves. So what is stopping you from letting go? 🙂