Living Under Pressure

When life just seems to be too difficult for us to continue, there is always hope, whether it looks apparent or not! Whether our problems are personal, financial, health-related or whatever, if we can just persevere one more day, you never know what may happen to change things. You might meet someone who inspires you to have a little hope or who just goes out of their way to lift your Spirits and then that is all the jump-start that you need to make it through a hard time. Our Faith is being tested and will continue to be tested as we get closer to our Ascension, so we must keep putting one foot in front of the other on our upward climb. So, be the Light that shines in someone's life and when you want someone to be there for you to shine a Light to help you on your path, it will be there, just in time. Be part of the picture of Love and all of our gates will open at the most opportune moment to lead us up our mountain. Pledge Faith and Hope and Trust and We will be there when the going gets tough! Love is what We are made of! Trust!