Quantum-Touch (R) Workshop Anyone?

I am going to be conducting a quantum-touch video workshop in March 2009 if anybody is interested. (after March break-probably the last weekend in March-but I will give the definite date soon)

I offer this basic course in quantum-touch energy work as a beginning lesson in learning how to sense energy and how to work with it to heal people, pets, and plants. It is very easy to do and fun to learn! It takes 2 days from 9:00 A.M. – 5:00 or 6:00 P.M. to complete. The cost is $90.00 U.S.funds. (cash or cheque)

Please contact me if you are interested or have any questions.

Take care!
Lots of Love and Blessings!

How Fast is Too Fast?

How fast is too fast and how slow is too slow when it comes to our spiritual development? We can only go as fast as we want to; not how fast other people think that we should go. Our own spiritual development is in our control. If we leave it up to others to tell us what to do, then we are just handing over control of ourselves and playing the role of passenger instead of being in the driver's seat of our own life. And really, how can someone else know what is truly going on in our own lives? We are all quite capable of being in the director's chair and even the act of handing over control to another person is making a decision to allow someone else to rule over us. Do we really want that? Our decisions are our responsibility and thus we reap what we sow. That is karma. No one else can pay the price or reap the rewards for us. We are all accountable in the end. So let's work at paying back our debt or transmuting it, clearing off our aura, enhancing our vibrational rate to be able to hold more Light, balancing our four lower bodies and Heart of Hearts as well as the Alpha and Omega polarities to be ready for our Ascension. Isn't that what we are here for? So the speed of our own spiritual development is entirely up to us.

The Law of Love

The Law of Love comes straight from Above,
And in its Heart is the True Look of Love
Telling us just what to do in opportune moments, it's true,
To be blessed and caressed and nourished, too
As well as multiplied through and through
To the very Soul and Consciousness of you!

So be a part of the very connected Heart of you,
And go forward and do more inter-connecting of all of the parts of you,
And you will be “seamingly” more connected through and through,
And above all, you'll get to do what you always wanted to,
And that is to Love right from the very Heart or Being of you!

Bless you!
Be a part of the Cosmic Heart of you!

Just Be

During meditation this morning, as I was tuning into my Higher Self's Wisdom, I heard the following statement:

“It doesn't matter what you choose to do, only that you choose to “BE”.

What a great reminder to just allow ourselves to be all that we are and not get caught up in the illusion around us that we are what we “do”, as in what we do for our job, our family, our identity in the physical realm, and to just “be” what we truly are, Our Real Self. (Higher Self)

What peace is ours to hold, if we just allow ourselves to “be”!

Remembering Grandma

Today is or was Grandma's birthday many, many years ago now. She passed over at 99 and a half years of age when my children were not in school yet. They are in their middle to late twenties now.

Grandma was able to stay in her own house by herself until close to the end of her life here. I always admired that. I want to be able to do that, too.

When I was a little girl, I would sit in a very large chair in the corner of her living room and hold a little ceramic deer that was in a sitting or laying position like it would be on the ground in the wild, while the adults talked. Sunday night dinner with Grandma was great with the usual, typical fare week after week. Her very large old wood-burning stove was amazing to me when all that I was accustomed to was my Mom's normal electric stove. The large dark dining room furniture stayed the same year after year. There were huge hollyhocks all across the back of her yard and a gigantic chestnut tree in the front. I never could figure out how to open one of those chestnuts up!

I moved away from home, got married, had children and didn't see her very much after that. But once in awhile, when I went back home to visit my parents, I would see her too and nothing had changed in her house. Chocolates always sat on her living room table, just ready for your sweet tooth to indulge in!

At her funeral, I said goodbye, but I am told that around my secretary desk that belonged to her, she has been spotted. Apparently, she likes what I have done with it! I'm so glad, Grandma!

So, here's to you, Grandma and happy birthday! 🙂
