September 23, 2017 Workshop

The workshop is set for Saturday Sept. 23 from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm with a break for lunch. The special price is only $60.00!
I have been asked more about the topic being presented at the workshop. It will be a different format than usual and will be in a question & answer forum. Any question that you may have that is on your mind can be put forward for messages from Spirit delivered directly to you. Your Higher Self and higher dimensions will be available to you to download information.
For example, you could ask about your future timeline. You could ask anything about one of your loved ones. You could ask how to work on yourself to improve your mental, emotional or physical state of being. You could ask about how the ascension process is going or how our planet earth is evolving. Any communication that you would like closure on in regarding a loved one who has passed over can be facilitated. There is no question that you could ask that will be turned down by Spirit, as the whole process for being here is to learn and “graduate”!
Please let me know (RSVP) if you would care to join us and access your Spiritual side to aid you in completing your journey here.
As Always.

Energy IS Light!

When you see someone with a lot of energy, you see someone with a lot of light! They are capable of holding vast reservoirs of light cell activity going on in the brain stem as well as in the nervous wreath energy system.

Willing ourselves to complete basic training of holding our own light takes time. It inhibits others from approaching us to steal our light and offers us a program that will instill more light cell activity in the brain.

Our senses divine which energy is sublime and which energy is toxic. If we complete this basic training of being replete in our own franchise of light cell structures then we can meet others’ demands on our consciousness to appear bright and useful in life. Plenty of light to go around!

We do not need to ask for assistance from another plane of light; we can manufacture our own light cells within the body of light which we have been given. Just give yourself enough time to ask whether your light cell activity can be increased or not. Come from within when you do the asking. It will all be plainly held out for you to reason/sense.

If you are having some issue with not being able to sublimely connect with your inner thoughts and attitudes then see a professional healer of energy light to assist you in complimenting your own healing process. It is true that we do help each other out from time to time!

Then you can change your own frequency of time along a different timeline to become more of what you are seeking to be!

Blessed Be the Energy!

September 2017 Newsletter & New Workshop & Specials!

The shift in energy since the eclipses in August has been enormous! Personally, I felt huge waves of higher dimensional energy Light/Love flow over me at such an intense frequency that it was too much to hold! It continued for over a week or so and seems now to have “caught.” The best way that I can describe it now is feeling mellow and just enjoying the energy at a much higher resonance than before.
If you are not tapping into the higher realms at this point, then we can work on that together to help open you up to higher flowing streams of consciousness that will awaken you at your central core. It is a pleasure to work the frequencies of light to higher dimensional space that requires significant energy shifts to motivate and uplift your own natural gifts of light. The peaceful networking abilities that is each and every one’s right is coming online at higher and higher frequencies of thought and knowingness. If you are desiring less stress and more happiness, this is the route to clearing your mind of old paradigms and energies from past occurrences. Do not hesitate in bringing old energies past their prime out of yourself and to embrace the higher ones available to you now!
New special pricing for the month of September is listed on my Pricing page on my website for you to check out.
Also, I am offering a workshop this month on the topic of “Old Paradigms” that we have been living by, individually as well as collectively on this planet, and how to complete the release of them to look forward to incorporating the new energies and tuning into feeling good. (more love for self and others) The workshop will be set up as a question/answer forum where you can ask personal questions and get a 5th dimensional, or higher, channelled energetic message from your Higher Self, Angelic Realms and Higher Guidance system.
Let me know which Saturdays work for you and then we will determine which Saturday in September works for all of us. Fee for the program is at a special this month as well, at $60.00. We will meet from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm with a break for lunch at noon. Seating is limited so please RSVP if interested in joining!
If you know of anyone else who would be interested in this email, please forward it to them.
Lots of Love!
As Always.

Perfect Example…

Perfect Example of our Old System’s Paradigms Coming Down…
(Utah Nurse & Cop)

I don’t like watching the news and never had, so don’t. But once in awhile, something on the internet grabs my attention and I click away and read the item.

Today, I read about the head nurse in Utah who refused a cop’s request to take blood from a patient, due to protocol, and how the cop totally ignored her and her boss, and followed his boss’s direction to arrest her for non compliance. She was hauled off, by force, into the police car. Of course, that didn’t hold and she was released soon after.

The havoc and trauma that occurred during this whole scenario became visual to everyone, however. We can all witness the brutality of a regime or climate of fear and mistrust from the old patriarchal system of control on this planet crumbling before our eyes and ears.To view this scenario in a positive light, it shows us how nothing can be hidden from view any more and how the truth is coming out to be dealt with in a new, enlightened manner.

If we are honest with ourselves, we can all see how we have played a part in the manipulation and mind control that has been pervasive here for some time and to see it let loose from the many old paradigms of thought which we no longer need or meld with. Soon, many more old paradigms shifts will go the way of the antiquated dinosaur and higher light will flow into our minds to soften and enlighten our sub-structures so that we mean what we say and say what we mean.

It is full of effervescence and light when we field our energy to the Lght!

We ARE the Seeds of Light!