Perfect Example…

Perfect Example of our Old System’s Paradigms Coming Down…
(Utah Nurse & Cop)

I don’t like watching the news and never had, so don’t. But once in awhile, something on the internet grabs my attention and I click away and read the item.

Today, I read about the head nurse in Utah who refused a cop’s request to take blood from a patient, due to protocol, and how the cop totally ignored her and her boss, and followed his boss’s direction to arrest her for non compliance. She was hauled off, by force, into the police car. Of course, that didn’t hold and she was released soon after.

The havoc and trauma that occurred during this whole scenario became visual to everyone, however. We can all witness the brutality of a regime or climate of fear and mistrust from the old patriarchal system of control on this planet crumbling before our eyes and ears.To view this scenario in a positive light, it shows us how nothing can be hidden from view any more and how the truth is coming out to be dealt with in a new, enlightened manner.

If we are honest with ourselves, we can all see how we have played a part in the manipulation and mind control that has been pervasive here for some time and to see it let loose from the many old paradigms of thought which we no longer need or meld with. Soon, many more old paradigms shifts will go the way of the antiquated dinosaur and higher light will flow into our minds to soften and enlighten our sub-structures so that we mean what we say and say what we mean.

It is full of effervescence and light when we field our energy to the Lght!

We ARE the Seeds of Light!