Eclipse August 21, 2017

Our eclipse workshop today showed us many avenues which we could climb out of as well as into!

We can clear our energy fields in time for the resurrection energy of the 21st or we can sweep it under the rug! Which one do we want to plug into?

We did a sweeping clear of old paradigm energy regarding past issues and vibrations of thought and we anticipated new streams of energy allied with new productivity of thought encompassing past vibrations as well as producing more loving fields to resonate with. It was all a template of fear which we cleared and a new version put into place or space.

We are all required to create more space for our new thought systems of light to enter into and we can take delight if we enter that space for the future.

All of us can command more thought waves which can, in essence, burn a more desirable outcome to messages from thought waves predicting doom and gloom scenarios out-played on planet earth. Be One with the collective mind and will to engage in higher thoughts which can add altitude to new ways of being rather than darker formations of thought waves at the sub-conscious level.

Our only way to survive our old ways is to prepare for our new ways!

One cautionary note that came up during our channelled parts of the workshop today was an approach to pull us back on wavelengths of darker ways of being from past times. The advice was to recognize the symbols of fear for what they are and not to follow the energy but to still go on creating reliable and sanctified versions of higher truths and evidence of self-reliance here. Do not be muddled in their fear energy strategies. The example given to me was not to go down the rabbit hole with the others who choose to do so. It will keep our essences high and highly motivated to clear fear energy passages of time.

Note to self and others who attended today with me: do not watch media releases about what is happening on the world scene….too much truth and nonsense rolled into one! Therefore, heightened emotions out-play on the world scene and can take us away from what we want to create in peace and harmony for the world instead.

