Happy Dec. 21, 2016 Solstice!

Happy vibes are here!

Our effervescent frequencies are clearing the way for more formidable violet rays to clear the atmosphere around the heart chakra system of light. Nothing can be achieved until our higher arcing energy can be squeezed through the eye of a needle and implanted into our brain to insert into us another frame or plane of light cell energy.

When our frequencies of cell light mandate a new technology springing from truth of Spirit, then we will all be able to clear any programming that we did not need, into higher frequencies of thought. Then our cells will be of a high enough magnitude to enlighten even the most darkened ways of being. Our frequencies of fear will be deleted here! Our wisdom will expound how our knowledge will abound!

We will not create more fear to clear but will energetically disappear by sheer willpower! Then our process will be done and our energy will come to full force in alignment with spiritual concepts of living and agreeing on how to distribute our wealth and health in society.

Peace, Joy & Abundance to All!

Happy December!