September 2016 Energy News

The energy right now is intense! If you are feeling/sensing “too much information” going on around you, then you would be quite in tune with what is happening! (too much stuff to do, think about, listen to, be a part of, details to manage, and more situations where you are required to take part.) Many more opportunities to tune into the higher strata will appear before long, so just sit back and enjoy the ride, because once it is over, you will feel better than before this energy hit. It is a part of being in the energy shift.
Where you want to tune into during this shift is important. You can tune into the vibration of thought which shows you how to command the new energies or you can drift apart and be once more in the energies of losing shift. Being perfected in thought & attitude is complicated enough without all of these ephemeral vibrations to deal with, but deal with them we must to transform our current energy alignments with Spirit.
If anyone is not sure exactly how to transform to these higher wavelengths to learn how to connect to happier, healthier & peaceful loving momentums, just contact me to set up an appointment for guidance. If distance is an issue, I do offer telephone consultations. My September specials are listed on my pricing page.
You can also join Google + and follow me on Cynthia C. Google + for more in depth posts on the energy shifts.