Messages about Clearing our Unconscious States of Mind

We have been going through some very deep, intense cleaning of our internal organs and tissues where thought resides. Our cleansing of our tissues needed to release hidden complex controlled mechanisms of thought, which we no longer hold dear to our Soul. Our uplifting thoughts can clear us, so as soon as we wish it or envision it in reality, it can become One with the All Presence of Soul and matter to bring it about in this hemisphere of thought.

We have been draining such ideas of thought in matter in regards to gaining strength and conviction of thought molecules. Once our strength returns to garner more and more tissue solidarity, we are going forward in thoughts which vibrationally lift the Soul Purpose for all to see.

This fortuitous way of thinking lends speed to the molecules of strengthening tissue until it no longer matters what thoughts we hold dear to ourselves but clearly move them into manifestation techniques mode.

We are all here to clear our energy spheres of thought and we cannot catapult our Essences as a beam of Light until we resurrect the Soul Purpose for our plane of existence. That being said, we are all made of the same matter or material consequence, so moving forward day-by-day can thrust our internal organs into disarray if we are unable or lack the initiative to divulge our hidden secrets into the Light spectrum of Peace and super alignment with Spirit.

Our consequences will matter not dearly enough, if we don’t conclude that our matter can shift allegiances or alliances of Spirit matter to the forefront of Eternal thought. We matter mostly when we are deep in thought about our consequences with others, so motivate yourselves by issuing forward a wonderful momentum to clear negative attitudes of doubt and indecision in regards to your truth vibrating here.

Be pleased in yourselves and shelve any hatreds towards Spirit or other enhancements of the Light and then you will see yourselves as energy Beings of Light, which you/we all are!

From our frequency to yours,

Blessed Be!