The Arrogance Dance

When we indulge in the arrogance dance
We don’t hold onto too much romance
Because it looks askance
At all our dance
And we can never romance,
Have a given chance,
Unless we can heed our own stance
Of giving ourselves a chance
At our hidden romance.
It is giving ourselves a glance
At harmony’s romance
And half of our glance
Is a chosen happenstance
At our glance
Or chance
To romance
Our hidden instance;
We can give ourselves the heave-ho
Only when we know
That our circulation can flow
An autonomic nerve wreath and glow;
This is our normal flow
To get in the know
And happenstance
Can give ourselves a chance
At an aurically balanced romance.
We are are own chance
At complicating romance
But our re-birth
Is at second glance
To give us all the chance
To win some romance;
We are the hidden glance
And all our molecules can dance
If we can sustain the prance
Of our own hidden glance.
We love our own romance!
Give it half a chance!
Then we can all flow and dance
With our molecular freedom stance.
We are the dance
Of of our own hidden romance.