Entitlement Tear

The film of lying
Is just about dying
And we can caress
Everything we’ve blessed;
In the night
We make everything all right
And our circumstance can be fitted in tight
So that our trance
Can bring a romance
To the Light.
We are always seamed Insight
Bordering on the Light.
And the endearment here
Is a complicated sphere
Of Light
In which we must first take delight
Over our respite
So that our darkness of night
Can take flight.
And our entitlement tear
Can finally break away from here
Into the night
To be made just right
In the consequences of our delight.
Fashion yourself just right!
Do not be motivated by what brought you here;
It is only the hidden fear
Of not being entitled to tear.
But we are a much more complex arrangement down here
In which we need to clear
The atmosphere
Of Light
To make it just so and just right.
It is our own appetite
Which whets the Light.
There are issues to clear
When we settle in here.
Be the clear Insight
Into our very own Light!