Public Enemy # 1

Public enemy # 1 is FEAR! Do you feel it? It is rising up in our members as we speak, for even the thought form of fear is anxious anxiety and angry notoriety. Do not be complacent about sending this vibration out of the earth’s hemisphere of knowledge and into our dream state to acknowledge it and wedge it out of our dreams. It purposefully can clean when we allow the visions out in the dreams.

Do not delay!
Let it go by the way!
We are now OK!
Feel it slipping away.
It is just dirty dung which needs to be flung far away.
Send it to the Milky Way
And it will be on its own way
From the earth’s crust today.
Learn the lesson and do it today!
Please-vibrate it away!
Then we can play!
It is just a vibration away.
Good Day!