Wake-Up Call Closer To Home!

Today, at approximately 1:40 P.M., I felt the earthquake, which hit near Ottawa at 5.5, roll through my home. My bookcase started to make weird noises and as I watched it wondering what was happening while trying to focus on a telephone long distance healing session, I felt the floor roll. I could almost see the vibration circle out and come back over and over again, just like a wave of water. We finished the session but are not going to forget this day! Mother Earth was just letting us know that She is sending another wake-up call to us. Don’t leave it too late! We must all come along for the ride of ascension in one way or another! 🙂

Wonderful Wow!

We are in a wonderful Wow!
The field is in resistance somehow
But we will enjoy the plow
As we seem to co-existence
With all of our resistance
To the Now!