More Healing Required

I have had a request from one of you as to how to work on healing the oil slick, so I connected, which was quite amazing, more than normal, to my etheric “Green Team”  for help. It was quite powerful! I was shown how to “steam clean” the area and atmosphere to release the toxic debris in the water and elsewhere connected to it. So, basically translated, it goes something like this…visualize a plug going into the base of the oil rig under the water where it is located. Then release the grease on the land and water. A Light beam which is green will spot the water.Then relinquishing Team will clean the water. Filter the dotted waters. Clean the water-spill it into a pot. Sodder/sauder it clean. The Green Team will filter and clean it and take it a mile above the Earth to disperse. Hence your Green Team will internally steam clean the area. Kinda like a clot, it will knot the toxins on the spot and cluster the knot caught internally. Then it will be caught up into the air and dispersed from there. Give a care! Take it away from there!

So, please, any additional energy to clear this space is appreciated by All! I did hear that the killer whales are affected, so send some prayers/Light their way. I have been working on implementing a circle of green Light around the area of the oil rig to keep them away from it and I sent a sound for them, so I hope that they hear it.