Spring Solstice 2010

Now that the past few days of March 20, 21 and 22 have passed and the energies have been dispersed, we are feeling much more centered and alive. Being balanced and grounded has brought us all back to our previous existence in the heavens. So much good material will be brought down from the heavens (dimensions) for our dispersement that we will not know what to do with it all! Much abundance for everyone now! Blessings! Keep the faith and the will-power going!

On a personal note, I have had much wonderful feelings and sensations of Higher Love and Gratitiude flowing more than ever before. It is truly a time of great blessings! Work with the energy to build your Desire. Create what you want-leave behind what you don’t want and don’t discuss it anymore. Plan for the future in a building way not a destructive way. Good hearts to All! Blessings! Keep the pace.