
Do not let the ego fight;
It’s been given its own delight;
We are strung above
With our own curtailed Love
And if we sentence the Dove of Love
To betrayal, my Love,
We will not only impale
We will never set sail!
Drive home the nail;
Let it sail;
We are true to You!
And all consequential actions do
Put Our efforts in front of you
To take charge and win over the abundance of You!

More Shifting

When you are sending healing energy to Haiti now, you can visualize a true diamond shape around the epicenter in the country. In other words, a diamond shape like a baseball diamond. Visualize a large triangle with the base on the epicenter with its point going upward to the sky/universe and then the second triangle starting at the base with the point going down into the Earth. That creates a very stabilizing effect. Anchor it with a spiral going through the diamond’s center and then spiraling down into the ground. This keeps working the energy flows so that it can stabilize more fully its encroachment into the Earth. Bless the rest of the Earth as you do so. It keeps it creating and correcting more fully in tone. (vibration) Please keep the pace.

Thank you!

New Energy Wave

To continue with the energy healing for Haiti, now visualize the solitaire diamond shape reversed, like an upside down pyramid, with the point coming from the ground underneath the epicenter and going down into the Earth with the round flat top being extended out and down.  This will further attend to the grounding of the whole Earth as a result. More of their fear and anxiety needs to be swept away. Keep working at the clearing for the nation. It helps us all! Send peaceful waves of vibrational thought.

Haiti-Continued Healing Required

West of the epicenter is the location to send more stabilizing healing energy. Triangulate the grounding into the ground from the top of the circular “solitaire diamond” shape that I previously described. Picture connecting triangles from the top down into the center of the earth. This type of grounding is more secure. People at the site need more prayers also in regards to sleeping outside.  There may be a storm brewing with great winds and rain but I am not sure about when. (am hoping that is wrong or can be changed) Visualize clear blue skies. Also visualize a perfectly connecting roadway system so that help can come in and give aid to the survivors without obstruction to the energy grids. Help them energetically to alleviate their negative emotions such as pride, hate, jealousy, animosity, lack, and doubt. This will help clear their atmosphere around them to drain their old feelings and allow more healing energy to surge forth. We need to stabilize the area over the fear being purged to secure their conditions of release. Then eventually the hidden wells of release will give them an increase in power to let go their old emotional pain. Sustainability will remain. The land will increase in peace. Their vibrational sound or wavelength must be turned around from being “down”. Then it will rise up and be elevated. The solar eclipse started the re-birth. Please help in whatever way that you are able.

Haiti Update

More doubt is being released from the people but it is not publicly showing.  However, at energetic levels this is being accomplished. Another geometric form (diamond-shaped as in round top and triangular bottom) was deposited into the crack or fissure just west of the epicenter. More work needs to be done to stabilize the quake. Please contribute your healing energy to these locations of people and place.  Suggestions: you could visualize a large pink blanket of Love covering the area to soothe and calm everyone, especially the violent ones. You can create your own shield of Love and send it with your prayers if you are not sure about how to do energy work. Your loving thoughts do count! We need to hold the energy clear.  Please continue.