Inhuman Fear

The inhumanity here,
Is an Astral fear;
If we can just project a clear field of resistance here,
Then we can cleanse the atmosphere!
So clear,
And don't jeer,
And we will have the self-made atmosphere
Plugged away from here,
And the guilt of a million lifetimes can clear
The residual fear out of here!


Fear is the dominating factor on this Earth. To clear the fear, we must decide to allow it to disappear! Only then, can we substitute the fear with emotional clearing. Be at Peace!

Meditation Group Starts Next Week!

Meditation group meetings are slated for Monday evenings from 7:00 – 8:00 PM. beginning June 15, 2009. The cost is $10.00 cash or cheque. I will be teaching this beginners' course and will also be teaching basic energy techniques in grounding and protection and anything else that needs to be addressed as the information is brought forth to my attention. So, if you are interested in learning how to meditate or want tips on how to better make your connection to Spirit, let me know!


Long Distance Healing

Long distance healing is available for people who are too far away to drive to my location. I can schedule a particular time to coordinate with your schedule or work during a time of my own choosing. After the session is over, I send an email with detailed information as to what happened during the treatment. Some people prefer to call me instead of emailing or some prefer both methods of learning the outcome of their session. Please contact me for more information or for setting up an appointment.
