
The Truth and the Trust,
Is just like everyone one of us;
We can climb and be free,
And ultimately pay dearly
If we continue to see
All that we can be
As adversity!
So climb Free
And Be
Whatever carefree way there is to see!
Just Be!


Raise the music of the Spheres,
And place your amusement there!
Do not comb your thoughts to worry and care,
Just release and relax and let it go there!
Your care
And all will be placated there!

Happy Summer Solstice!

During meditation today, I heard “Freedom”; Freedom to Love and Be our True Selves in the Light; Freedom to lift ourselves out of fear; Freedom from past debts; Freedom to live Life the way we want it to BE; FREE! WE ARE FREE! Sense it and Be FREE!

Happy Summer Solstice everyone! BE FREE!

Meditation Group

Monday night meditation has started! If there is anyone who would like to join us from 7:00 – 8:00 PM every Monday night, please let me know. I am teaching beginners how to meditate as well as how to ground and center yourself beforehand. There is the option to discuss your experience afterward. For those who do, it is always an enlightening discussion for everyone! We can all learn from each other.
