I am offering an Eclipse related workshop on Saturday Aug. 19th for those of you who are drawn to this extra energetic metering out of time/space alignment!
There will be 2 very powerful eclipses in August to be able to align with the energy of the time. We will conduct an energy transference of time and space equilibrium to announce to the world our intentions for metering out love and super alignment with the Cosmic forces. It is our chance to inject more light and love into this world plan of peace and super alignment for the human race!
This is an awesome time to connect with our inner vibrations of heart and order up what we want to see ourselves achieve in our universal plan.
If you wish to join us and add to the energy of our time to super align with cosmic waves of energetic frequency, please align with me to fulfill our destinations along the time wave length that we are on.
If this sounds like something that you want to explore, join our group on Aug. 19th to hear more!