Ease Your Pain

Ease your pain;
Don’t focus on the drain;
Just because you are lame
It doesn’t mean that you have to complain;
It only juxtapositions the pain.
We are all here to be insane.
Whatever is instilling the doubt
Leave it out.
Do not mark the instillation; spout
The all mighty doubt
And the complaint about
The lesson of letting it out.
It is the removal which lets it out.
And that fear and that doubt
Is what the lie is all about.
Do not give in; let it go out.
Follow the nectar of the heart
For it can never depart
From the spark
Of Light and Love
And our energy framework from up Above.
We are the Guardian of our Love.
Instill it from Above!
Accept your framework of Love.

Body Clearing

When our body can be free
Of debilitating complexity
Spewing adversity
And animosity
And anxiety
And clearing spaces decree
That our mindfulness ability
Is in short supply, then see
The viability
Of stringing our cellular Light
To implement what is right
And our enjoyable sight
Can be released and take flight
And our monumental spite
Can be lifted and made pure white,
Our vision will then be a delight
And awesome respite
From the nonsense we listened to during the night.
Be part of the re-structuring of our inward sight
Not part of the unholy working of spaces of night.

We Are The Wayshowers Of Light

We are embraced in each others’ Light
So that from the heart we are given strength and might;
We are an effervescent sight
Because we are Wayshowers in the Light.
Bring your own conviction in tight
To believe in everything that is bright.
Then we will reach new height
Of everything burning with delight.
Bless our prayer of Insight.
This is our New Year’s Love and Light!

I Am The Sound

I Am the sound
The wavelength and the ground
We are substance all around
The corporeal mound;
We are in Essence found.
Hearken to the ethereal sound
Of your Master’s crown.