Light Cell Source Energy Encoding

When we encode the Light
The cellular structures are made all right;
They are brought into the Light
To make the systems of thought bright
As all Essence of Light
Formation is white.
Our electrical sphere
Dances away with us here
And then we are clear
Of all pre-Race determining our sphere;
We are energy clear
From hatred, anxiety and fear.
That is the dance of Light
In which our energy shape is turned on to varying height
And the dark anxiety can take flight
And correct us in our pathways of Light.
Our new course code can inwardly implode-
The new Light beam sowed
Our darkened node
To a new Higher code.
Why should we be afraid of any energy code
Which lights us up
And overloads the anxiety code
To explode?
It is a permeation here
Which sets the strengthened body to clear
Animosity, and we’re
Consistent with claiming our victory and cheer.
That is a lot to overcome in one year!
Our ability to clear
Anxiety and fear
Is a blessing we drew near.
It is a course code correction viability chain here.
Bless the year!

Love Is The Only Thing…

Love is the only thing
That will bring
Us back
When we are hidden in the trap
And we can’t resuscitate the lack;
It is an element of attack.
Be forewarned-we are not truly sacked
If in our heart we attract
The lessons for coming back.
Let’s learn how to act!
And the price of Love is our pact.

An Observation About A Lie

Why are people so sweetly sly
When they only want to compete and lie
But want you to try
To be something they can use you by?
Is it discreet
To lie or to cheat
Others by the game in which you compete?
Or is it a game by which they spy
Their incredible desires by?
Which is it? A cheat or a lie?
They often ask themselves why
They would rather listen to the lie
And let their lives slip by
And are heard to sigh,
There is no falsehood in telling a lie
It is only our crucible which can die
And not I.
It is a life worth living and that is what we hearken by.
So do not live their lie.
Don’t let them go without saying goodbye.
It is an appointment of theirs to die
And not reach the goal to fly
Unencumbered in time and space
And ultimate enjoyable Grace.

Holding Onto Pain

Why hold onto pain?
There is nothing to be gained.
Withhold the truth from you
And you subtly misconstrue
The documentation that will lift you
And transport a millenia of time
To be reworked and primed
Along the transcendental timeline.
You are as good as your transcending line.
Do not withhold the prime directional timeline.