Building The New Future Of Alignments

As we build our new energy agreements along the sign of time, we can more coherently align our subdural reef-knot structures which have abscessed our corroded timeline signatures at which rate we need to dissipate. Our correlations along the timeline must improve before we monitor the strife out of our existences in the light field energy brackets which embrace our timeline energy cords together. Be at One until we are done! Then we can all have some more fun!

New Mission

Our new mission of Light
Is one of great respite-
For if we did not turn off the light
We could not have risen above our sight
That everything wasn’t all right
So as we purpose our flight
Incessant Insight
Is right
As we suppose
Our heightened flows
Know exactly how to close
The fright
Being given at night;
It is our greatest delight!
Pick up your Insight
It is a higher flight.