Ask and Be Blessed

Being gratitude-less
Shows that we have confessed
To not being blessed;
It is a part of our being distressed!
Witness the rest
It is all at our behest
When we answer the request
To be permanently blessed!

Our New World Economy

Picture yourself in this;
A very highly successful proprietorship;
Then you can lead
Without all the greed
And no one ever has to need.
Be the decree;
It is ever restored in thee.
No more must we be
A figurative plea
For we have restored massively
Our original bank to thee
And we can be
Whomever we came here to be
To be set free!
Be free in our new economy!

Our Loves

Coming into love
Is like being fitted for a glove;
We begin to ascend
And then we begin to blend
The light shield force in us once again.
And as we try
We begin to fly
And our hearts never speak a lie;
We begin to try once more
And then we lift and fly through the core
To a whole new vibrancy in store
With which we begin to pour;
We love whom we adore.
That is the lesson of speaking from our hearts more!