New! Energy Healing Workshop Available

I am offering a new energy healing workshop in September 2009! It will incorporate information about energy flows in the aura, which spiral to the chakras, meridians, and molecules of the body. We will discuss the various layers of the aura including the etheric, mental, emotional, and physical and how healing can be facilitated through negative energy removal. Individual work on participants will follow discussions.

The following dates are offered: Sept.17; or Sept.19; or Sept.26. Please let me know which date you are interested in joining. Class is from 9:45 AM – 4:00 PM. Cost is $150.00 + GST = $157.50

Happy Journeying!

Aura Holes

Plug the holes;
We've all been told
The aura holes
Have been unfold.
All that we behold,
We aren't quite sold
About what we have been told.
If we go for the gold
Then we're all sold
On what we behold!
Plug your holes!

Our Own Little Hell-Holes

We live in our own little hell-holes
Just because we want to;
If we ever thought that we could do
A better pole-to-pole
We'd abolish them whole.
Without a doubt,
We'd be far better without!
Let out the doubt
Let it go
And live High!
It's better being a pie-in-the-sky
Than being a hell-hole
With no control!
Let go!
Gain Wisdom and Soul!

Quote For The Day

Quote for the day…

“…blaming our behavior on forces outside ourselves is a way of avoiding responsibility.”

“The Tenth Insight” by James Redfield Pg. 146.

We can also use the words “other people” instead of “forces outside ourselves” in the above quote. Both paint the picture of handing over our power to others instead of taking responsibility for ourselves and our actions or the lack thereof.

On Display

We are on display,
We might as well be ok
With what we want to do today
And start a new way to play!
Let's participate in our own World today!