Intuitive Wisdom # 2

The next entry in my new lovely little book is as follows:

“Following my inner guidance puts me in sync with the Universe.
I become physically healthier and more vital. Mentally clearer
and more relaxed. And emotionally and spiritually fulfilled.”

I just love it! This is information that I am already tuned into, but it is wonderful to know that others can and have tapped into it as well! We are all One! Ain't confirmation grand!!!

Lots of Love!
Take care of yourself!

Intuitive Wisdom

I have been given a lovely book called “The Voice Of Intuition” by Shakti Gawain. In it are little sayings that I have found to be uplifting and very true. The first one is as follows:

“When you're anxious or upset.
Give that feeling a voice.
Be sympathetic and supportive
And ask the feeling to tell you
What's going on and how you can
Best care for yourself.”

The only word that I would have liked to see changed is “sympathetic”. I personally prefer the word “compassionate” instead because sympathy implies that you feel sorry for the person or yourself whereas having compassion expresses more heart. 🙂

Love to all!
Blessings today and tomorrow!
Keep the Faith!

Divine Timing

Sometimes, we can get so anxious to have our lives move along at a quicker pace that we forget that Divine Timing has a hand in all that we do in our lives. When the frustration seems too much to handle, take a deep breath, hold it, then exhale and let go of the thought that burdens you. Everything will happen at the right time and in the right place if we can just let go of our agenda and flow with the Universe's Divine Plan. It is always the better plan. Time will show us that things had to be worked out behind the scenes, so to speak, for our dreams, wishes, and desires to manifest for everyone's Highest Good.

So, keep the Faith, and wait until your perfect plan comes together with perfect timing!


Happy Chinese New Year!

Today is the Chinese New Year of the Earth Ox as well as the solar eclipse in Aquarius New Moon! The solar eclipse occurred at 2:47 A.M. EST. It is interesting that I woke up just after 2:30 A.M. and was wide awake until after 3:00 A.M. I guess that I am just feeling the energies so much more, day by day, even when I am not consciously aware of what is occurring until afterwards. Anybody else feeling the same way?

I am looking forward to this Earth Ox year of 2009, as it is supposed to be a very good one in regards to abundance. This eclipse is also supposed to hurry things along and push us all forward to capturing our dreams at a quicker momentum. So, enjoy the ride!


True Freedom occurs when we tap into our own Inner Teacher or Inner Guru. There is no necessity to look to others to tell us what to do. We already know. When we are connected to our Higher Self all is laid open to us. There are no more questions; only answers! We already have what we are looking for!