The Power of Meditation

The power of meditation is awesome! When we take deep breaths into our body, it naturally starts to slow down and our parasympathetic nervous system kicks in; the “rest and digest” phase that we know so well after we sit down to relax after a pleasant meal. Our heart rate slows as does our breathing and we start to hear and feel gurgling in our tummies. But this is just the beginning! After awhile of slow, deep breathing, the rhythm of our brain waves change which affects our vibrational rate. Then we can start to make our connections to Spirit. We can contact our Angels, Guides, Ascended Masters, Cosmic Beings, and/or Our Higher Self. Once we achieve this state of bliss, we can accomplish much, such as manifesting our heart's desire, healing of ourselves, loved ones and the world, and, well, anything! It is all good! The beauty and the love and the peace and harmony that result from the meditative state is uplifting and rejuvenating to say the least! So, take a chance! Try it out and be persistent in your attempts, as it does take time to learn; but then so does everything that is worthwhile. Enjoy your time to yourself and everyone will benefit!