Spring Solstice March 20, 2017

Energetically the Spring Solstice has already begun! New energy waves of light are hitting us right now and they are clearing more energetic pathways for opening up any interferences which hold us to old out-moded ways-of-being.
We are being shifted so that our energetic bodies can be uplifted more to gain more ground and feel more freedom flowing through our various body structures. Any pain can be shifted more readily, whether that is reflected in the body-mind consciousness or whether that is reflected in our outer being.
Training ourselves to be reliant on energy coming from within helps us to see various ways & means of understanding newer perspectives of thought and widens our respectability towards ourselves & others. Be part of the new movement forward in thought which resurrects sub-conscious issues & tensions that are difficult to handle and allows them to stream energetically over the surface of being engaged in the here & now.
Be complete in yourselves to heighten your energy growing in leaps & bounds!