New Childrens’ Classes

I am offering new childrens’ classes to teach The New Way to those young ones who are coming through the changes of this world’s existence right now. They are at the forefront of knowledge and can best learn by “Being there”.  So we are facilitating a new learning curve for their high adventure in Mystery and Science or as Time and Space allows them.  So be quick! We are Here now! 🙂

Fee is $56.50 which includes HST per child per month. This includes one one-on-one session for healing and clearing auras of debris which holds us down in vibration so that we are able to raise our vibration higher and then one group class consisting of teaching the new ways of learning to be tighter in sequencing of the body systems in alignment with space and time. This procedure whets their appetite for more knowledge and rims their desires with fruitful expressions of Grace manifolding in space.