June 23rd Solstice Activation Workshop!

This new workshop will entail being in the moment and downloading many newer codes of light to restore our Insight! We will be reviving our memory code to enlighten us to knowing who we are and why we are here, at this specific time on earth.
If your “Knowing” is online and functional then you can finally be enlightened with the enriching codes of light. It is a function of ourselves to enable our cells to virtual light velocity.
This gift signals (turns on) newer energy codes of light into our older cells of knowledge and lifts our temporal lobe into our Being of Light. It is essential to acquire new custom made codes of light if we are to ascend realities of light…in other words, inter-dimensional travel (of wavelengths of thought) and other ways of Being. That is our Destiny…in code!
The workshop on Saturday June 23 will download more codes of light from the activation of the Solstice point of June 21st and start the ball rolling for us! If you wish to dwell in the higher realms of thought (dimensions) then this is the route for you/us to take!
The workshop will take place from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm with a break at noon for lunch, which you can bring along. The cost is $50.00.
Any questions about yourself can be answered as we go through the process of learning about who we are and why we are here now.
Please RSVP to save your spot. 
Take care,