Control Energy

Control Energy
I have noticed a shift in my energy healing work this month and it relates to the topic of control.

For years now, the main topic for energy healing work has been to raise people out of their frequency of fear but there has been a noticeable shift. Now, I am being focused on people’s control issues. That is new for 2017; at least new for my energy work!

I keep getting downloads from the higher dimensions or frequencies about all of our control issues, whether they are personal ones or planetary/collective ones. We are going to be living in such unpleasant “control” energy that we will eventually want to stop the mass caustic vibration because we won’t want to take it any more!

It is a part of our evolution on the planet, so getting rid of control is a must! We must all leave the hidden, toxic vibration of control and power-over to advance spiritually and technologically.

It will be better for us all when it is all cleared out of our cells, so let’s start releasing the energy and get on with life that is worth living at a higher frequency of thought!
