April 2016 Changes

Wow! There have been some mighty big changes shifting all of our frequencies in the past month! March was detrimental to us if we kept in the lower energy but if we were able to shift it, we would have been fine coming through it. No more energy interruptions for awhile… yet coming along on the tailwinds of change, we will permeate our matter beings or material bodies into great strength of Spirit via connecting with the stronger energies sweeping through us. It is all up to us which way the wind will blow the currents of change.
Personally, I have been feeling very High! :-D  (Not that I did not have a few moments of emotional release last month-one day in particular comes to mind!) It is like being in a dream sometimes and other times feeling lifted off of the ground with both feet flying. But mainly, it is like walking around in meditative mode. It has been so different maneuvering these new streams of thought…new energy feelings coming through that seem to “rescue” (lift) you when you are feeling down or less-than. We are all radiating at a different frequency of thought and we can fulfill our dreams connecting each one of us to the other.
Choose carefully your words, thoughts and deeds from now on. Not that it wasn’t important before, but now it is tremendously more! That is because we are coming into a time of heightened realization that what we believe to be so, IS so. It will be Creation time enhanced full-speed-ahead. No more needing and wanting and wishing…it will all come to pass quickly and so much more reliance on Spirit will be entailed in that, so as to move us forward on our timeline more easily.
We are coming to a time in our life which will motivate us to choose which way will be the “Forever” time ahead. So choose wisely.
Peace to All!
P.S.  I have created a new referral system which gives you a discounted price (1/2 off a regular priced session for you) for every person whom you refer for a session, whether that is in person or over the telephone. Please check out my “PRICING” page for details and pricing.
Take care,
Lots of LOVE energy to you!