My Experience

During the last 18 years, I have honed my energy healing skills and have created my own way of working with the energy flows in multi-dimensional realms. I am clairsentient, clairaudient, claircognizant and clairvoyant, as well as being an intuitive empath.

I am a Chartered Herbalist, and have used herbs for over 30 years and know the wonderful healing energy of herbal remedies. As a Registered Elder Care Practitioner, certified in holistic gerontology, my training includes diet and nutrition. Also I am trained and certified as a PSW (Personal Support Worker). Axiatonal Alignment is a powerful healing energy which I practice as well as teach, that clears the meridians, balances both sides of the body, and reconnects the body to the Universal Grid. It consists of a series of light tapping at the points of energy flow located on the body. I facilitate the alignment not only at the physical level but also in the etheric as well as omniversal, along the timeline grids, which helps people to align to the energy shifts that we are undergoing. When used before any other energy treatment, it amplifies the beneficial results. In addition, I am a Crystal Healing Practitioner. Being a Reiki Master and Quantum-Touch Practitioner/Instructor has been part of my experience as well.

I facilitate meditation groups as well as conduct workshops and online classes.

Check out my channel called “healingourenergy” for channelled messages about healing, ascension, energy updates and more!  Just click “follow” to make sure that you receive notification to your email of my new videos every time that I upload them.