

Hello Everyone!

Message for May:

“Learn to love and like yourself above everything else!

This is your system of qualification for your Higher Self and your Higher Wealth to penetrate the lower self (ego).

It is about going against the lower self to shift it to your Higher Self

To incorporate more of your systems of Light

And bring your own conscious awareness into your Higher Insight.

You ARE your own system or frequency of Light!”

As we go through these major shifts, turning ourselves back to our Higher Light, we can incorporate more Essence of our own Light.

And as the world goes through its waking up process, we too, can console others who are losing control over themselves and wishing it was all on everyone else.

We have much to learn to transcend conscious awareness now in our fields of Light, but so does everyone else, so let’s not be a burden to others’ waking up process in their divinity light.

Keep accessing your Higher Light!

The world is going through its transcendent motions, clearing lower lights to higher reaches of space and time.

It is time to be re-aligned to our magnificent new timeline of re-birth and re-creation!

Let’s make Light our transcendent destination!


May’s Pricing is now on the website

If you are looking for assistance in clearing your energy or becoming more knowledgeable about your fields of Light, click on “Book Now” to receive your energy reading and healing.

Always Live in Love & Light,


P.S.  Fyi….the roads here have been “healed” with more gravel and smoother surfaces, for those of you who take the time to journey for an In-Person Session.